The product is in stock and usually ready for dispatch within 24 hours. The dispatch time for parcels within Germany is 1-3 working days, for forwarding goods 5-7 working days. For deliveries abroad, the dispatch time is extended accordingly. If you wish to order more than the quantity in stock, please note that the corresponding quantity must be ordered from the manufacturer and the delivery time may be longer.
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1 design:
Sali Book Shelf / brown/stained/LxWxH 121x32x172cm/four shelves
The Sali Book Shelf has been created by Creative Collection for the brand Bloomingville. It is a unique piece that gives an airy feel thanks to the gaps featured between the wooden slats. It is made of eco-friendly mango wood, a sustainable type of hardwood that is readily available.
The Sali Book Shelf is made of evenly sized wooden bars. They are attached with equal spacing between them. The unit is divided into four shelves that are also evenly spaced. These are curved at the outer edges so the bars of wood going around them are also curved giving the unit a rounded shape on the sides. There is 38cm in between the shelves which provides enough height to hold large volumes of books or tall decorative items like vases. Each one can safely hold a maximum weight of 35kg. The top of the unit can also be used for storage.
The Sali Book Shelf has a length of 121cm, a width of 32cm and a height of 172cm. Apart from holding books, it can hold other items from china tableware sets, figurines and other decorative items.
The product is in stock and usually ready for dispatch within 24 hours. The dispatch time for parcels within Germany is 1-3 working days, for forwarding goods 5-7 working days. For deliveries abroad, the dispatch time is extended accordingly. If you wish to order more than the quantity in stock, please note that the corresponding quantity must be ordered from the manufacturer and the delivery time may be longer.