The product is not in stock and is ordered from the manufacturer. The manufacturer's standard delivery time is 4-6 weeks. Shipping from our warehouse to delivery within Germany currently takes an additional 1-3 working days and 5-7 working days for forwarding deliveries. For deliveries abroad, the dispatch time is extended accordingly.
This curving S 40 Cantaliver Garden Chair was created by Mark Stam for ground-breaking company Thonet.
The curved metal bends of this garden chair bring to mind the revolutionary wood-bending method that company founder Michael Thonet developed over a hundred years ago, changing the face of modern furniture in the process. While the materials may be different, the spirit of the design ethos remains true to the great man's vision for a different kind of furniture. The S 40 Cantaliver Garden Chair is crafted from Iroko wood and stainless steel pipes to create an artistic blend that is both impactful and subtle. The chair stands at 85cm high, 45 cm wide and has a depth of 56 cm. A comfortable seating height of 45cm makes it ideal for a wide variety of body frames. Lightweight and portable, its simple and efficient design makes it a great choice for fast-paced business environments such as cafe's. However, its design is also homely enough to slip easily into the garden decor of your back yard and provide elegant style on warm sunny evenings.
The product is not in stock and is ordered from the manufacturer. The manufacturer's standard delivery time is 4-6 weeks. Shipping from our warehouse to delivery within Germany currently takes an additional 1-3 working days and 5-7 working days for forwarding deliveries. For deliveries abroad, the dispatch time is extended accordingly.