The product is not in stock and is ordered from the manufacturer. The manufacturer's standard delivery time is 2 weeks. Shipping from our warehouse to delivery within Germany currently takes an additional 1-3 working days and 5-7 working days for forwarding deliveries. For deliveries abroad, the dispatch time is extended accordingly.
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1 design:
Crazy Vase Curved Top / multicolour/glazed/H x Ø 68x40cm
The Crazy Vase Curved Top has been created by Sionna Designs for the brand Pols Potten. Located in Doha, Qatar, Sionna Designs is dedicated to filling homes with charm, beauty and new styles and possibilities. Exquisite pieces are sought out in exhibitions in other parts of the world. Others are found when browsing local handicraft shops and many other sources to find those treasures from different eras and cultures. Made of glazed porcelain, the vase got its name from its curved shape and the crazy or unusual mix of colours on it. It has a combination of red, blue and cream. The vase has a rounded body that broadens out from a wide opening and thick stem.
With its bright combination of colours, the Crazy Vase Curved Top is ideal for adding a shot of colour in a room done in neutrals or pastels. It is also a vase that can blend right into a room that has a decor of bold, bright colours. The flowers in the vase can be white ones that bring out its colours or bright ones that complement them.
The Crazy Vase Curved Top has a diameter of 40cm and a height of 68cm.
The product is not in stock and is ordered from the manufacturer. The manufacturer's standard delivery time is 2 weeks. Shipping from our warehouse to delivery within Germany currently takes an additional 1-3 working days and 5-7 working days for forwarding deliveries. For deliveries abroad, the dispatch time is extended accordingly.